5 Ways Climate Change Affects Public Health

Climate change presents a host of serious potential complications for the quality of public health. If left unaddressed, the public health consequences of are entirely capable of creating severe challenges for everyone on the planet.

The comprehensive 2010 report titled “A Human Perspective on Climate Change“, was done by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) – in collaboration with the Environmental Health Perspectives organization. The series of findings were the result of  extensive research examining the different kinds of public health threats due to changes in the climate. The following are five of the public health effects indicated in the report.

Cardiovascular Health Effects

Alterations in heat could potentially result in distributive changes to vector-borne diseases known for causing cardiovascular illness. Those already suffering from cardiovascular diseases may potentially have their conditions worsened by an elevation of heat stress as well.

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In a state of excessive heat stress, the body’s resilience against airborne pathogens would be lessened. Those with limited access to full healthcare coverage in hotter climates would be at the most pronounced risk for the higher potential for cardiovascular disease development.

Respiratory Condition Exacerbation

Respiratory conditions could be also worsen in terms of their severity and prevalence as well. These could collectively compound the dangers of respiratory illnesses worldwide:

  • A higher number of airborne pollutants
  • increased mold from heavier precipitation
  • more frequent pollen exposure due to seasonal plant growth irregularities

Mental Health Consequences

The physically disruptive effects of changes to the climate could present great mental duress for those in displaced communities. Increasingly frequent weather disasters can be mentally devastating for even the most steadfast civilians. There is stress from abrupt and irreparable loss of:

  • property
  • life quality
  • loved ones

Increased Water Contamination

Aquatic contamination is far easier in warmer waters with a temperature more conducive to their survival. A higher rate of evaporation-transpiration and the deterioration of coastal biosphere health would also contribute to a higher incidence of water contamination. This increases the risk of human exposure to waterborne diseases.

Food Safety and Nutrition

A greater volume of easily contaminated water would adversely affect the edibility of food sources exposed to waterborne toxins. Compromised ecosystems are less conducive to the survival of animals inhabiting them. This could lead to less availability of staple food items depending on their welfare. Infected droppings from mammals and birds exposed to contaminated water could compromise the health of domestic livestock as well. This would put millions of consumers at risk of food-borne diseases.


Many in the environmental science community have made spirited appeals for a more thorough application of ecological study results for proactive survival initiatives. Many experts have acknowledged the progression of climate change thus far has made it more of an inevitability than an avoidable crisis. Heavier investment in studies of the risks to public health could potentially lessen the severity with which these issues could emerge.