After beginning a master’s of public health degree, students can select specific concentrations. The MPH degree is often offered with specializations in:
- health services administration
- biostatistics
- other topics
By concentrating on a specific concentration, students can increase the chances that they will be hired in their dream position and increase their attractiveness to prospective employers.
1. Epidemiology
Global epidemics are a growing risk due to increased international travel and trade. To combat potential epidemics, international health organizations hire people who specialize in epidemiology. In this concentration, individuals learn about disease outcomes and research methods. They may conduct research on the potential causes, treatments and preventative measures for human disease. Individuals can learn about how epidemiology connects to topics like:
- social policy
- environmental health science
- medicine
- health policy
2. Health Services Administration
Health services administration focuses on all aspects of administrating and managing health programs. In this career field, individuals must be able to:
- develop policies
- organize the staff
- analyze health policies
To prepare for a career in the industry, students learn about:
- quantitative methods
- health economics
- health systems
- finance
- health policy analysis
Often, students who study this concentration end up working as hospital administrators or in managerial roles.
3. Biostatistics
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a statistician typically earns $80,110 per year. Since biostatistics concentrations in a public health program are even more specialized, students may be able to earn even more. During a biostatistics program, students will learn about statistical procedures for analyzing health studies and research. Students are more likely to succeed in this course of study if they have an analytical mind and strong mathematical skills. Once they graduate, students may work with other:
- consultants
- technicians
- researchers
- statisticians
4. Social and Behavioral Sciences
For an interesting specialization, students can study social and behavioral sciences. These classes focus on identifying public health problems and finding solutions. Students may learn about the theories behind behavioral interventions and how psychological factors can influence human health. From design to intervention programs, students will learn about all aspects of social and behavioral sciences.
5. International Public Health Management
International public health management is a growing field. In a master’s of public health program, students can study demographics and improving health results for a larger population. Students may learn about improving health results and care in developing nations. At the same time, they will be taught how to handle:
- health crises
- disasters
- emergencies
As a result, students who specialize in international public health management are prepared to take leadership roles in international organizations.
During a master’s in public health, students can specialize in a variety of areas. While some programs only offer elective classes, other programs allow students to actually customize their entire course list. Students will still complete their core requirements, but they will also have additional options for the types of electives and specialty areas that they study. Once the program is complete, students can go on to have fulfilling careers in public health management.
See also: Top 25 Master’s in Public Health Degree Programs With the Highest Acceptance Rates