If you are looking into going to business school, you might be interested in learning more about the functions of the AACSB. AACSB stands for the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. They are a large nonprofit organization that exists to advance strong business education around the world. They help teachers, students, businesses, and schools network and connect to help business education be the most effective it can be. They are a global network with members all around the world. Business schools can join, as well as:
- corporate groups
- nonprofit groups
- public sector groups
Read on to learn more about AACSB and what it offers.
Providing Accreditation
The AACSB provides accreditation for business programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Their accreditation is recognized around the world because it’s so difficult to earn. Only 5% of schools that offer business degrees have earned their approbation. Students can be assured that an AACSB accredited school has an:
- excellent faculty
- rigorous coursework
- the kinds of opportunities they need to learn and to get ahead in the business world
Businesses also know that graduates of these accredited schools will be well prepared.
Offering Resources for Peer Networking
If you become a member of AACSB, you will have access to their exchange, which is an online network. The exchange provides business schools with an opportunity to network so they can share ideas and resources. It does so through a variety of platforms, including:
- the member forum
- the collaboration concourse (providing opportunities to schools that wish to partner on initiatives like study abroad programs)
- virtual events such as webinars
- affinity groups. The affinity groups help members with similar interests find one another so they can continue to share ideas to help everyone grow.
Sponsoring Global Conferences and Seminars
The AACSB offers conferences and seminars at many locations around the world. These vary in their scope and topics. You might find small symposiums or large scale conferences dedicated to various elements of business management education. Some of the recent topics in these educational opportunities include:
- online teaching effectiveness
- continuous improvement
- best practices
- a seminar for those aspiring to be leaders, such as:
- deans
- provosts
- presidents
These conferences give people in the business education world a chance to interact with and learn from their peers in different places.
Maintains Database of Business Schools
Those involved in effective business education need access to reliable data. They can find it on the AACSB’s large database, which tracks and maintains information about business schools around the world. This kind of information helps teachers and leaders to get a big picture view of business education as well as answer specific data requests.
Publishes BizEd Magazines
Among other publications they publish, the AACSB puts out BizEd magazine, a bi-monthly periodical. This is an award winning journal that provides “news you can use” for leaders in the industry of business education. Included are:
- articles
- interviews
- trending topics of interest to business programs
- reviews
- updates on educational advances
The AACSB also publishes and maintains a blog.
For business schools, business students, and businesses, the AACSB can be a good place to discover learning opportunities and to network with others dedicated to business education. The activities listed above are just five of the functions of the AACSB, which is in involved in many initiatives to help business education thrive.