Each year professional organizations for healthcare administrators organize and present a variety of conferences nationwide. These conferences provide an opportunity for administrators and medical professionals to meet, trade ideas and participate in educational activities with many different perspectives that they can then use to improve their own healthcare practices and facilities.
Like past years, 2016 promises to provide plenty of opportunities for professional development. Here are 5 conferences for healthcare administration this year:
1. ACHCA 50th Annual Convocation and Exposition
The American College of Health Care Administration (ACHCA) will be holding its annual conference this year at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown on April 16-20, 2016. This year’s event will celebrate 50 years of legendary leadership with this professional organization. Catering to the education and decision-making of long-term caregivers, administrators in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities will especially benefit from this particular conference as it explores updates in technology and equipment advances. Participants can participate in the Idea Exchange, a face-to-face interaction between industry experts and conference attendees to discuss creative solutions to common problems.
2. AAHAM 2016 Annual National Institute
The American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM) is hosting its annual National Institute on October 5-7, 2016, at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. Typically drawing about 500 members from across the country, attendees can experience more than 75 exhibits that allow them to exchange ideas and further their knowledge of administrative software, office management and personnel relations. Healthcare administrators dealing with everything from financials to personnel to patient services can benefit from this yearly conference and exhibits.
3. MGMA 2016 Annual Conference
The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) has recently announced its 2016 conference to be held in San Francisco on October 30-November 2, 2016. MGMA will be celebrating its 90th anniversary at this conference, bringing top executives and medical administrative professionals to its educational sessions and networking events. Past exhibitors have included such topics as designing a faculty compensation plan, employing HIPAA practices in daily work and integrating cost-saving initiatives. This year’s presentations promise to bring similar information that will further encourage facility efficiency.
4. ACHE 2016 Congress on Healthcare Leadership
The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) will be holding its Congress on Healthcare Leadership on March 14-17, 2016 in Chicago at Hyatt Regency. With opportunities to network with other administrators and presentations tackling many of the challenges facing current healthcare leaders, this event draws administrators from around the world to discuss their practices and to gain new perspectives. The professional development opportunities abound with more than 150 seminars and special programs available covering such topics as improving healthcare quality and affordability, creating strategies for patient management and enhancing patient access to personal records. Attendees will gain a wealth of knowledge from the variety of presentations and activities scheduled throughout this four-day event.
5. HCAA 2016 TPA Summit
The Health Care Administrators Association presents the 2016 TPA Summit on July 13-15, 2016, at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel in Dallas, Texas. Presentations a the Summit will include information about managing healthcare practices against cyber attacks, designing industry contracts and creating innovative cost-efficient alternatives to current healthcare policy models. As with past TPA Summit events, this year’s event is accepting speaking applications from those in the industry interested in providing strategies and insights into working with underwriters, human resource managers and other healthcare consultants.
Through networking and attending informative presentations, healthcare administrators can learn a lot about improving and developing their practices and facilities through these and many other conferences in 2016.
Source: http://www.mdlinx.com/hospital-administration/conference.cfm