5 Conferences About Health Information Technology in 2018

Health Information Technology Conferences

  • The Yale Healthcare Conference
  • ACHE Congress on Healthcare Leadership
  • Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference
  • HIMSS Health IT Conference
  • IHI Patient Safety Conference

The field of healthcare management is growing dramatically. Between the number of Baby Boomers retiring and the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, the skills of healthcare administrators are needed more than ever to effectively provide for the health needs of a growing – and aging – population.

Long after healthcare administrators and managers complete their degree studies, ongoing education and research is vital to the field’s practitioners. New legislation, best practices, and research inform the healthcare management field and mandate healthcare managers continue their education throughout their careers. A wide variety of tools – from digital seminars to conventions – help healthcare administrators to keep abreast of new developments in healthcare and perfect their own practice. Here are five conferences about healthcare management in 2018.

The Yale Healthcare Conference

Put on by Yale’s School of Management and the Health Professional School, the Yale Healthcare Conference is an annual conference that brings together a wide variety of scholars and healthcare professionals to discuss, debate, and constructively address issues facing the healthcare community. Students are strongly encouraged to attend, affording ample opportunity to learn from experts and ask questions that will help inform their own professional practice upon graduation. The 2018 conference will take place in April in New Haven, Connecticut.

ACHE Congress on Healthcare Leadership

Organized by the American College of Healthcare Executives, the Congress on Healthcare Leadership presents seminars, workshops, and distance learning opportunities for healthcare managers all over the country. Focusing on presenting information and classes that are fully up-to-date and reflecting both new and emerging research and legislation, the Congress is projected for future dates until 2023. Registration opens in November 2017; the conference will be held in Chicago in March 2018.

Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference

Taking place in Atlanta in February 2018, the Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference focuses purely on the pragmatic aspects of healthcare management. The conference discusses tools, methods, and processes aimed at improving and maintaining working processes of the field, including project management, Six Sigma, and bench-marking. A brilliant presentation for new healthcare management professionals and veterans alike, this conference will help those in the field to streamline and improve both personal and group professional practice.

HIMSS Health IT Conference

A conference dedicated to healthcare professionals working in information technology, the HIMSS Health IT Conference offers up extensive discussions, lectures, and demonstrations to improve the technological side of healthcare management. The 2018 conference will take place in March 2018 in Las Vegas, and will feature a broad range of topics, including data analytics, cybersecurity, genoming, and public policy.

IHI Patient Safety Conference

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement organizes several conferences on the international level each year, and the IHI Patient Safety Conference is unique in that it focuses on patient and workforce safety. Via seminars, breakout sessions, keynote addresses and demonstrations, the conference brings together experts and new professionals alike to share knowledge, insights, and tools to ensure patient safety and continue improving this vitally important aspect of healthcare. The IHI Patient Safety Conference will take place in Boston in May 2018.

Each of these conferences about healthcare management addresses a different facet of this important field, and present continuing education opportunities for healthcare professionals of every stripe and every level of experience. Whether you have recently completed your degree studies or have been in the healthcare management field for decades, each has something to offer practitioners that will assist them in developing their professional practice for many years to come.

See also: Top 25 Master’s in Healthcare Informatics Degrees Ranked by Affordability